

  1. huonontuminen, rappeutuminen, vanhuudenheikkous, raihnaisuus.

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vanhuudenheikkous the state of being decrepit or worn out from age or long use
1781, Samuel Johnson, Lives of the Poets

There prevailed in his time an opinion, that the world was in its decay, and that we have had the misfortune to be produced in the decrepitude of nature.
1839, Charles Dickens, Nicholas Nickleby
This was the probable destination of his sister Kate. His uncle had deceived him, and might he not consign her to some miserable place where her youth and beauty would prove a far greater curse than ugliness and decrepitude?
(l) (gloss)


decrepitude rimmaa näiden kanssa:

haude, vesihaude, laude, cum laude, kude, matonkude, kuviokude, lude, linssilude, typpylude

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