

  1. la-num-j-taivm|d|ecim|a


englanti puhekieltä A tenth, particularly
A tithe or tax of one-tenth puhekieltä.
1988, Renaissance Studies, Vol. 2, p. 195
He brandished his title as apostolic commissioner in court, and as supervisor of the papal decima in Tuscany.
puhekieltä A tenth: a note nine degrees of the scale above or below a given note (and thus ten degrees separate counting inclusively) or the interval between such notes.
puhekieltä An organ stop a tenth above the normal 8-foot pitch.
puhekieltä A 10-line verse or stanza, puhekieltä in the form of a song comprising an introductory verse followed by four such divisions.
*2008 December 4, New York Times, C8:
His album... dealt with the song form of Puerto Rican back-country troubadours, and it had a preoccupation with... the décima, a 10-line stanza with specific rhyme schemes.
(feminine noun of)
(feminine singular of)
(inflection of)
second-person singular imperative of decimare
tenth part
tenth hour


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