

  1. leikitellä, leikkiä, ottaa tarkasteltavaksi, ottaa esimerkiksi, käsitellä, tarkastella, puhua, flirttailla, pitää teerenpeliä, keimailla, kosiskella, käydä naisissa, hakkailla, flirtata, vietellä, vampata.

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pitää teerenpeliä

vetelehtiä To waste time in voluptuous pleasures, or in idleness; to trifle.

We have trifled too long already; it is madness to dally any longer.
We have put off God, and dallied with his grace.
To interchange caresses, especially of a sexual nature; to use fondling; to wanton; to sport (compare dalliance)
Not dallying with a brace of courtesans.
To delay unnecessarily; to while away.
To wind the lasso rope (ie throw-rope) around the saddle horn (the saddle horn is attached to the pommel of a western style saddle) after the roping of an animal
2003, Jameson Parker, An Accidental Cowboy, page 89:
The end of the top rope he dallied around the gooseneck trailer hitch.
Several wraps of rope around the saddle horn, used to stop animals in w:Team_Roping roping.
1947 - Bruce Kiskaddon, Rhymes and Ranches
What matters is now if he tied hard and fast, / Or tumbled his steer with a dally.


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