
Tarkoititko: debyytti

Ehdota määritelmää


englanti (inflection of)
I lead or bring out or away, divert; escort, accompany, conduct (out of one's house as a mark of respect or for protection)
I lead, fetch, bring or draw down; weigh down, outweigh
I deduct, subtract, diminish, reduce
(Q) ut boni ratiocinatores officiorum esse possimus et addendo deducendoque videre quae reliqui summa fiat ex quo quantum cuique debeatur intellegas|trans=(..), in order to become good calculators of duty, able by adding and subtracting to strike a balance correctly and find out just how much is due to each individual.
I stretch out, extend, draw out
I lead forth or conduct a colony to a certain place; found (qualifier)
puhekieltä I bring to trial; bring before a tribunal as a witness
puhekieltä I withhold
puhekieltä I withdraw, remove, draw off, lead off (qualifier); conduct or bring to a place
puhekieltä I draw out a ship (qualifier), launch
(Q) ex navalibus eorum navem deducit|trans=(..) drew out one of their ships out of dock.
puhekieltä I draw a ship into port
puhekieltä I spin or draw out (qualifier); weave
puhekieltä I mislead, seduce, entice, win over, induce
puhekieltä I spin out, elaborate, prepare, describe, compose
(Q) primaque ab origine mundi / ad mea perpetuum deducite tempora carmen /|trans=(..) and spin out a continuous thread of words, from the world's first origins to my own time
puhekieltä I derive, discover, deduce
puhekieltä I cure, cleanse, remove
puhekieltä I make finer, thinner or weaker, attenuate


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