

  1. geometria|k=es käyrä

  2. mutka (tiessä)

  3. kurvit

Esimerkkejä curva sanan käytöstä:

bailarina de curvas voluptuosas


englanti The bank of seats behind the goal, especially in continental European stadia, where the most dedicated fans sit.
1996, Vic Duke, Liz Crolley, Football, Nationality and the State, Taylor & Francis
The mutual influences (or &39;interference&39;) between fans in the curva and political extremism has several dimensions.
1997, Gary Armstrong, Richard Giulianotti, Entering the field: new perspectives on world football, Berg Publishers
Legacies of political commitment have influenced the ultras associations in the curvas.
2006, Peter Bourne, Passion in the Piazza, (ISBN 9781411681811), page 11
Even arriving two hours before the game was not enough to guarantee a seat in the curva.
bend, curve, trajectory
The bank of seats at the ends of a football pitch.
(inflection of)
(l) (gloss)
(pt-adj form of)
(pt-verb form of)
(es-verb form of)


curva rimmaa näiden kanssa:

kurva, kuolemankurva, turva, palkkaturva, työsuhdeturva, eläketurva, sosiaaliturva, vanhuudenturva, toimeentuloturva, oikeusturva

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