

  1. Erythrina, korallipuu.

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englanti The internal compartments formed by the inner membrane of a mitochondrion, where many chemical reactions take place.
(of a helmet) the crest, the plume

Crista galeae.

The plume of a helmet.

Galea decora comanti cristae.

An helmet decorated with a plumed crest.

the comb or tuft on the head of animals (most frequently of a rooster or a cock)

Illi surgunt cristae.

He carries his head high.

Crista galli.

The comb of a rooster.

the tuft of leaves on plants

Crista foliorum.

The tuft of the leaves.

puhekieltä the clitoris
(inflection of)
crest (of a helmet)


crista rimmaa näiden kanssa:

karista, marista, narista, parista, varista, horista, jorista, korista, lorista, porista

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