
Tarkoititko: crack

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englanti (l)
(quote-book)|location=Biblioteca del Sacro Convento di San Francesco|url=|passage=Laudato ſie mi ſignore cū tucte le tue creature, ſpetialm̄te meſſoꝛ lo fr̄e ſole (..)|translation=Be praised, my Lord, through all Your creatures, especially through my lord Brother Sun, (..)
(quote-book)|publisher=Johannes Numeister|section=Canto I|url=|passage=Vergine Madre figlia del tuo figlio ¶ humile et alta piu che creatura ¶ termino fiſſo decterno conſiglio (..)|translation=Thou Virgin Mother, daughter of thy Son, ¶ humble and high beyond all other creature, ¶ the limit fixed of the eternal counsel, (..)
puhekieltä (l)
A created thing; creature.
(inflection of)
(l), living (l)
a (l) child
creature (gloss)
c. 1130, (w), pastorela:
Toza, tota creatura / Revertis a sa natura ....
Girl, every creature reverts to its nature.
(obsolete form of)


creatură rimmaa näiden kanssa:

antura, meriantura, polkuantura, kanttura, nuttura, suttura

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