


  1. lovi, pykälä

Esimerkkejä cran sanan käytöstä:

Moodys abaisse de deux crans la note du Portugal à A1. – Moodys laski Portugalin luottoluokitusta kaksi pykälää A1:een.

La tension monte dun cran entre Pékin et Washington.



  1. äänenvoimakkuusyksikkö, tuotantokapasiteetin yksikkö, tilavuusmitta, tilavuusyksikkö, kuutiomitta, kuutiotilavuuden yksikkö, kuutioyksikkö.

Lisää synonyymejää



cran puhekieltä a measure of herrings, either imprecise or sometimes legally specified; also rarely a barrel made to hold such a measure
1800 Dec., Sir Richard Phillips, The Monthly magazine, Volume 10, No. 66, page 486:

Very flattering indeed has been the success of the fishermen; and many boats have come in loaded, averaging thirty or forty crans each (every cran estimated at 1,000 herrings), and disposed of their cargoes at nine shillings per cran; but the price has been since raised to fifteen shillings.
1960, w:Ewan MacColl|Ewan MacColl, w:Radio-ballad BBC radio ballad Singing the Fishing:
(..) And fish the knolls on the North Sea HolesAnd try your luck at the North Shields GutWith a catch of a hundred cran.
puhekieltä An embellishment played on the lowest note of a chanter of a bagpipe, consisting of a series of grace notes produced by rapid sequential lifting of the fingers of the lower hand.
(firearm) safety catch
(belt) hole
(hair) wave
puhekieltä guts, bottle, courage
Ce garçon a du cran, pour oser sauter en parachute.


cran rimmaa näiden kanssa:

kerran, verran, saman verran, sen verran

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