

  1. erinomainen, loistava, esine, ihanteellinen, esikuva, perikuva, ihannekuva, pyhimys, täydellistymä, vertaistaan vailla oleva, vertaistaan vailla, ideaali.

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erinomainen, ihanteellinen Exceptionally fine or excellent; top-notch; high quality.
Expert, top-rated or high-performing.
puhekieltä Referring to clothing items (pants, jersey, collar) that constitute the traditional blue uniform of the enlisted men of the US navy Navy, following the sailor uniform worn by Sailor Jack on boxes of Cracker Jack|Cracker Jack snacks.
An exceptionally fine or excellent thing or person.
An expert or top-rated individual (e.g., a marksman)
puhekieltä The traditional blue uniforms of the enlisted men of the US navy Navy.
puhekieltä A sailor.
puhekieltä popcorn candied and pressed into small cakes.
1946, James T. Farrell, Bernard Clare (page 280)

"Here, here's the popcorn man," Sid said as a vendor passed, pushing a cart. Sid bought a package of crackerjack and opened it while Mickey jumped up and down, unable to wait.


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come-back, feedback, playback, vorschmack, crack

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