


  1. merenkulku|k=en kurssi, kulkusuunta, suunta

  2. kulku

  3. rata; golfkenttä, kenttä

  4. kurssi

  5. kuuri

  6. järjestys, ruokalistajärjestys; ruokalaji (alku-, pää- t. jälkiruoka)

  7. musiikki|k=en koori

Esimerkkejä course sanan käytöstä:

The ship changed its 'course' 15 degrees towards south.

The 'course' of events.

We were testing out the new golf 'course' today.

I need to take a French 'course' to pep up.

a 'course' of antibiotics

We offer seafood as the first 'course'.

A full 'course' dinner is a dinner consisting of multiple dishes, or 'courses'.



  1. kenttä, rata, laitos, golfkenttä, golfrata, ruokalaji, ravinto, ravinnonsaanti, ravitsemus, ruoka, ravitseminen, muonavarat.

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lentorata A sequence of events.


A normal or customary sequence.
The course of true love never did run smooth.
Day and night, / Seedtime and harvest, heat and hoary frost, / Shall hold their course.
A programme, a chosen manner of proceeding.
Any ordered process or sequence or steps.
A learning program, as in a school.
1661, (w), The Life of the most learned, reverend and pious Dr. H. Hammond
During the whole time of his abode in the university he generally spent thirteen hours of the day in study; by which assiduity besides an exact dispatch of the whole course of philosophy, he read over in a manner all classic authors that are extant(..)
puhekieltä A treatment plan.
A stage of a meal.
The succession of one to another in office or duty; order; turn.
Bible, 2 Chron. viii. 14
He appointed (..) the courses of the priests.
A path that something or someone moves along.
The itinerary of a race.
A racecourse.
The path taken by a flow of water; a watercourse.
puhekieltä The trajectory of a ball, frisbee etc.
puhekieltä A golf course.
puhekieltä The direction of movement of a vessel at any given moment.
puhekieltä The intended passage of voyage, such as a boat, ship, airplane, spaceship, etc.
puhekieltä The lowest square sail in a fully rigged mast, often named according to the mast.
puhekieltä mensesEnglish Menses.
A row or file of objects.
puhekieltä A row of bricks or blocks.
puhekieltä A row of material that forms the roofing, waterproofing or flashing system.
puhekieltä In weft knitting, a single row of loops connecting the loops of the preceding and following rows.
puhekieltä A string on a lute.
puhekieltä A pair of strings played together in some musical instruments, like the vihuela.
To run or flow (especially of liquids and more particularly blood).

The oil coursed through the engine.

Blood pumped around the human body courses throughout all its veins and arteries.

2013, Martina Hyde, Is the pope Catholic? (in The Guardian, 20 September 2013)
He is a South American, so perhaps revolutionary spirit courses through Francis's veins. But what, pray, does the Catholic church want with doubt?
To run through or over.
Alexander Pope
The bounding steed courses the dusty plain.
To pursue by tracking or estimating the course taken by one's prey; to follow or chase after.
We coursed him at the heels.
To cause to chase after or pursue game.

to course greyhounds after deer

puhekieltä (alternative form of)
puhekieltä (l)


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