

  1. fajanssi, keramiikka, saviastiat.

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englanti A surplice, in England and America usually one shorter and less full than the ordinary surplice and with short sleeves, or sometimes none.
*1978, (w), God on the Rocks, Abacus 2014, p. 131:
‘The confidence of the very rich,’ thought Father Carter watching Binkie shaking out albs and cottas and calling rather loudly to the organist.
A kind of coarse woollen blanket.
surplice, cassock, tabard
crush (infatuation)
batch (for a kiln or oven)
feminine of cotto


cotta rimmaa näiden kanssa:

jotta, terrakotta, lotta, potta, rotta, antilooppirotta, konttorirotta, pussirotta, kirkonrotta, hyppyrotta

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