


  1. harras, kultainen, hyväntahtoinen, sydämellinen



  1. ystävällinen, hyväntahtoinen, sydämellinen, rakastettava, lempeä, mukava, rehellinen, vilpitön, voimakas, lämmin, lämpöinen.

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voimakas Hearty; sincere; warm; affectionate.
1667, w:John Milton|John Milton, w:Paradise Lost|Paradise Lost, 1859, Thomas Keightley (editor), The Poems of John Milton, Volume 1, page 381,

He, on his side / Leaning half raised, with looks of cordial love / Hung over her enamoured.
1885, George Washington Schuyler, Colonial New York: Philip Schuyler and His Family, C. Scribner's Sons,
The relations between the Earl of Bellomont and Colonel Schuyler were formal, but not cordial from the first.
Said of someone radiate radiating warmth and friendliness; genial.
1869, w:Richard Doddridge Blackmore|Richard Doddridge Blackmore, w:Lorna Doone|Lorna Doone, s:Lorna Doone/Chapter 66|Chapter 66,
The sight of London warmed my heart with various emotions, such as a cordial man must draw from the heart of all humanity.
puhekieltä Tending to revive, cheer, or invigorate; giving strength or spirits.
1634, w:John Milton|John Milton, w:Comus (John Milton)|Comus, 1853, w:John Mitford (clergyman)|John Mitford (editor), The Poetical Works of John Milton, Volume 3, page 106,
And first behold this cordial julep here / That flames and dances in his crystal bounds, / With spirits of balm, and fragrant syrups mix'd.
puhekieltä Proceeding from the heart.
1667, w:John Milton|John Milton, w:Paradise Lost|Paradise Lost, 1957, Merritt Yerkes Hughes (editor), Complete Poems and Major Prose, page 373,
Who stooping op'n'd my left side, and took / From thence a Rib with cordial spirits warm, / And Life-blood streaming fresh;
puhekieltä A concentrated noncarbonated soft drink which is diluted with water before drinking.
puhekieltä An individual serving of such a diluted drink.
A pleasant-tasting medicine.
A liqueur prepared using the infusion process.
1728, w:John Gay|John Gay, w:The Beggars Opera|The Beggar's Opera, Act III, Scene 1, in 1828, British Theatre, Comprising Tragedies, Comedies, Operas, and Farces'', 827,
Lucy. But, miss Polly—in the way of friendship, will you give me leave to propose a glass of cordial to you ?
Polly. Strong waters are apt to give me the headache.—I hope, madam, you will excuse me?
1908, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables, L. C. Page & Co.
Marilla had put the bottle of raspberry cordial down in the cellar instead of in the closet ....
A candy (or bonbon) usually made of milk chocolate, filled with small fruits (often maraschino cherry cherries) and syrup or fondant.
Coming from the heart; sincere.
puhekieltä Stimulating the heart; tonic.
Noun cordial
puhekieltä stimulant
(l) (gloss)
English cordial


cordial rimmaa näiden kanssa:

rial, trial, sial

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