
Tarkoititko: copywriter

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englanti puhekieltä A block of text which has been copied and pasted from somewhere else.
{{quote-newsgroup|date=January 6, 2008|author=Cory Albrecht|title=Re: A treatise on how one willfully becomes an atheist||url=
{{quote-newsgroup|date=March 4, 2009|author="Quaoar"|title=Re: ARS is dead. Long live the trolls!|newsgroup=alt.religion.scientology|url=
{{quote-newsgroup|date=April 27, 2009|author=R. Hill|title=St. Petersburg Times' _Man behind the religion_ 'copypasta' serves David Miscavige's agenda|newsgroup=alt.religion.scientology|url=
{{quote-journal|date=November 12, 2010|title=Bored at Work? Try Creepypasta, or Web Scares|work=The New York Times|url=
puhekieltä An error in a software application caused by the copy-and-paste of erroneous code.
puhekieltä To copy and paste data from one website to another, usually text.
{{quote-newsgroup|date=March 3 2008|author=Rudy Canoza|title=Re: Meat is a prominent part of chimpanzee diet; pre-human hominids ate meat for 2.25 million years (biologically adapted to meat)||url=
{{quote-newsgroup|date=September 7 2009|author="Voltaire's Child"|title=Re: Assuming it is all true..|newsgroup=alt.religion.scientology|url=


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