


  1. sopivaisuus

  2. yhdenmukaisuus, yhtäläisyys

  3. säädyllisyys, hyvä tapa

Esimerkkejä convenance sanan käytöstä:

à votre convenance – niin kuin Teille sopii


englanti puhekieltä conventional propriety
conformity, propriety
convenience, expediency
1884, w:Henry James|Henry James, "The Path of Duty" in The English Illustrated Magazine 2(15): 240–256.
If a man marries an ugly, unattractive woman for reasons of state, the thing is comparatively simple; it is understood between them, and he need have no remorse at not offering her a sentiment of which there has been no question. But when he picks out a charming creature to gratify his father and les convenances, it is not so easy to be happy in not being able to care for her.


convenance rimmaa näiden kanssa:

freelance, trance

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Läheisiä sanoja

collie, come-back, contra, contrasissi, copy, copyright

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