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  3. refl|es jatkua

Liittyvät sanat: interrumpir , abortar


englanti to continue
(indtr) to (l); to (l) with (gloss)
(RQ:Harry Potter)
... o único professor presente quando entraram na sala de aula era Binns, ... preparando-se para continuar sua monótona lengalenga sobre a guerra dos gigantes.
: ... the only present teacher when they entered the classroom was Binns, ... preparing to continue his monotonous explanation about the giants' war.


puhekieltä to (l); to (l) with (gloss)
puhekieltä and a verb in the impersonal infinitive to (l); to (l); to be still (gloss)
puhekieltä to (l); to (l) (gloss)
puhekieltä to (l) (gloss)


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maar, cheddar, udar, agar, agar-agar, askar, mar, huhmar, piennar, ojanpiennar

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