


  1. täysi, täydellinen

  2. taitava



  1. laantumaton, lieventymätön, loputon, täydellinen, pelkkä, täysi, ikuinen, törkeä, silkka, saamarin, syvä, etevä, taidokas, taitava, taiturimainen, mestarillinen, virtuoosimainen.

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saattaa täydelliseksi



täydellinen complete Complete in every detail, perfect, absolute.

A man of perfect and consummate virtue.
1900, w:Guy Wetmore Carryl|Guy Wetmore Carryl, "s:The Singular Sangfroid of Baby Bunting|The Singular Sangfroid of Baby Bunting",
Belinda Bellonia Bunting//Behaved like a consummate loon
1880, w:Georges Bernard Shaw|Georges Bernard Shaw, The Irrational Knot, s:The_Irrational_Knot/Chapter_VII Chapter VII,
(..) Marmaduke, who had the consummate impudence to reply that (..)
Highly skilled and experienced; fully qualified.
a consummate sergeant
w:Sun_Tzu Sun Tzu, The Art of War, s:The_Art_of_War_(Sun)/Section_IV Section IV,
The consummate leader cultivates the moral law, (..) ; thus it is in his power to control success.
puhekieltä To bring (a task, project, goal etc.) to completion; to accomplish.
puhekieltä To make perfect, achieve, give the finishing touch.
puhekieltä To make (a marriage) complete by engaging in first sexual intercourse.

After the reception, he escorted her to the honeymoon suite to consummate their marriage.

1890, Giovanni Boccacio, translated by James MacMullen Rigg, w:The Decameron|The Decameron, Novel 2, s:The Decameron/Novel 2, 10|part 10,
(..) in the essay which he made the very first night to serve her so as to consummate the marriage he made a false move, (..)
puhekieltä To become perfected, receive the finishing touch.
(inflection of)


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aate, olympia-aate, osuustoiminta-aate, periaate, toimintaperiaate, yleisperiaate, määräämisperiaate, toimitusperiaate, julkisuusperiaate, kansallisuusperiaate

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