


  1. johdonmukainen

  2. ~ with yhdenmukainen jnk kanssa



  1. johdonmukainen, konsekventti, looginen, järjestelmällinen, saumaton, yhdenmukainen, järkevä, järkiperäinen, järjellinen, järkeenkäypä, muuttumaton, vakio-.

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yhtenäinen Of a regularly occurring, dependable nature.

The consistent use of Chinglish in China can be very annoying, apart from some initial amusement.

He is very consistent in his political choices: economy good or bad, he always votes Labour!

compatible Compatible, accordant.
puhekieltä Of a set of statements, such that no contradiction logically follows from them.
puhekieltä Objects or facts that are coexistent, or in agreement with one another.
1662 Thomas Salusbury, Galileos Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems'' (Dialogue 2):
The Diurnal motion of the primum mobile, is it not from East to West? And the annual motion of the Sun through the Ecliptick, is it not on the contrary from West to East? How then can you make these motions being conferred on the Earth ... to become consistents?
In the history of the Eastern Orthodox Church, a kind of penitent who was allowed to assist at prayers, but could not be admitted to receive the holy sacrament.
1885 Catholic Dictionary 651
The consistentes stand together with the faithful, and do not go out with the catechumens.
(inflection of)


consistent rimmaa näiden kanssa:

management, understatement, establishment, vol-au-vent

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