
Tarkoititko: contra

Ehdota määritelmää


englanti I follow, follow up, go after, attend, accompany, pursue
I follow or come after in time
I copy, imitate; adopt, obey
I follow as a consequence, ensue, result, arise or proceed from
I reach, overtake, come up with, attain to, arrive at
I become like or equal to someone or something in any property or quality; equal, match, attain, come up to
I obtain, acquire, get, attain, reach
puhekieltä I reach, distinguish
I understand, perceive, learn, know
puhekieltä I am equal to, attain, impress fully, do justice to


consequor rimmaa näiden kanssa:

helibor, tšador, senior, junior, art director, primus motor, nestor, tutor

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