


  1. alentua, alistua, suvaita, laskeutua alas (muiden tasolle), tehdä jotain oman arvonsa alapuolella olevaa

  2. taantua, alentua

Esimerkkejä condescend sanan käytöstä:

Be wiser and dont 'condescend' to their level by calling names.

:Ole fiksumpi äläkä 'alennu' heidän tasolleen nimittelemällä.



  1. kohdella alentuvasti, holhota, käyttäytyä alentuvasti, suhtautua alentuvasti, suosia, toimia, lähteä liikkeelle, vuorovaikuttaa, olla vuorovaikutuksessa, alentua, vajota.

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käyttäytyä alentuvasti puhekieltä To come down from one's superior position; to deign (to do something).
1665, (w), (w), act 1, scene 2:

Spain's mighty monarch(..)/ In gracious clemency, does condescend / On these conditions, to become your friend.
1847, (w), Agnes Grey, chapter 5:
Fanny and little Harriet he seldom condescended to notice; but Mary Ann was something of a favourite.
puhekieltä To treat (someone) as though inferior; to be patronize patronizing (toward someone); to talk down (to someone).
1861, (w), (w), chapter 29:
"You must know," said Estella, condescending to me as a brilliant and beautiful woman might, "that I have no heart."
1880, (w), Clever Woman of the Family, chapter 7:
Ermine never let any one be condescending to her, and conducted the conversation with her usual graceful good breeding.
(RQ:Chmbrs YngrSt)
At her invitation he outlined for her the succeeding chapters with terse military accuracy ; and what she liked best and best understood was avoidance of that false modesty which condescends, turning technicality into pabulum.
puhekieltä To treat (someone) as though inferior; to be patronize patronizing toward (someone); to talk down to (someone).
2007, Damian Westfall, Bennetts Cow-Eyed Girl'' (ISBN 1430321881):
“I didn't mean to condescend you, Mr. Shreck.”
2010, Jaron Lee Knuth, Demigod (ISBN 1456457993):
“I'm not trying to condescend you, Ben.”
2014, Greg Kalleres, Honky, page 31:
THOMAS. ... Does my anger deserve your condescension?
ANDIE. I wasn't condescending you; I was just asking.
THOMAS. No. You said “angry black man.” Like my anger only exists in a stereotype. That's condescending.
puhekieltä To consent, agree.
1671, (w), (w), lines 1134-36:
Can they think me so broken, so debased / With corporal servitude, that my mind ever / Will condescend to such absurd commands?
1868, (w), Struggling Upward, chapter 3:
"This is the pay I get for condescending to let you go with me."
puhekieltä To come down.


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polterabend, jugend, boyfriend

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