


  1. myönnytys

  2. myöntäminen, suostumus, toimilupa

  3. (oikeustiede) toimilupa, perustamislupa, konsessio

Esimerkkejä concession sanan käytöstä:

to make a major concession

Liittyvät sanat: concede



  1. sopimus, konsessio, toimilupa, sopiminen, välipuhe, hyväksyntä, myöntymys, suostumus, myöntyväisyys, myönnytys, myöntyminen, periksi antaminen, luovutusvoitto.

Lisää synonyymejää




konsessio The act of conceding.
*(circa) October, Rolls of Parliament, Edward IV, 2nd Roll, §8:

Any parsone, priest prest or cleric clerk, having havyng any benefice... by way of|by wey of presentation, donation, concession, collation or institution.
*1876, James Bowling Mozley, Sermons Preached before the University of Oxford, v, 130:
In United Kingdom|this country... w:English Civil War|civil war has been forestalled by opportune concession.
An act of conceding, particularly:
A compromise: a partial yielding to demands or requests.
*1865, John Bright, Speeches of John Bright, M.P., on the American Question, p. 174:
But these concessions failed, as I believe concessions to evil always do fail.
land grant|Land granted by an authority for some specific purpose, particularly: (anchor)
puhekieltä A portion of a township, especially equal lots once granted to settlers in Canada.
puhekieltä A territory—usually an enclave in a major port—yielded to the administration of a foreign power.

The w:Shanghai French Concession|French Concession in Shanghai

puhekieltä A concession road: a narrow road between tracts of farmland, especially in Ontario, from their origin during the granting of concessions (township see above).
puhekieltä The premises granted to a business as a concession (premises see below)
A privilege granted by an authority, especially to conduct business on favorable terms within certain conditions and particularly:
A right to use land or an offshore area for a specific purpose, such as oil exploration. (anchor)
puhekieltä A right to operate a quasi-independent franchise of a larger company. (anchor)
puhekieltä A right to operate a quasi-independent business within another's premises, as with concession stands.
A preferential tax rate. (anchor)
puhekieltä A discounted price offered to certain classes of people, such as students or the elderly.
puhekieltä An admission of the validity of an opponent's point in order to build an argument upon it or to move on to another of greater importance; an instance of this.
puhekieltä any Any admission of the validity or rightness of a point; an instance of this.
puhekieltä An admission of defeat following an election.
2000 December 13, (w), Concession Speech:
Just moments ago, I spoke with (w) and congratulated him on becoming the 43rd president of the United States. And I promised him that I wouldn't call him back this time... tonight, for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession.
A gift freely given or act freely made as a token of respect or to curry favor.
puhekieltä A franchise: a business operated as a concession (franchise see above.)
puhekieltä An item sold within a concession (premises see above) or from a concession stand.
puhekieltä A person eligible for a concession price (fare see above).
To grant or approve by means of a concession agreement.


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