


  1. kohtelias, mairitteleva

  2. ilmainen, maksuton

Esimerkkejä complimentary sanan käytöstä:

~ drink – ilmainen drinkki



  1. mairitteleva, ylistävä, kiittävä, suotuisa.

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vapaa-, ilmainen

mairitteleva In the nature of a compliment.
w:Mark Twain|Mark Twain, The Letters of Mark Twain, Vol. 3 (published 2004) p. 56.

But yesterday evening late, when Lewis arrived from down town he found his supper spread, and some presents of books there, with very complimentary writings on the fly-leaves, and certain very complimentary letters, and more or less greenbacks of dignified denomination pinned to those letters and fly-leaves...
free Free; provided at no charge.
Vivien Lougheed, Belize Pocket Adventures (2005), p. 65.
In the evenings, Ward and PJ offer guests a complimentary drink. This gesture seems to reinforce the hosts' desire to make everyone feel welcome.
With respect to the closing of a letter, formal and professional.
Richard H. Beatty, The Perfect Cover Letter (2003).
The complimentary closing is the word grouping used to bring the message or text to a close.


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henry, sherry, sorry, curry, kärry, ostoskärry, peräkärry, country, jury, treasury

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