

  1. osallinen (rikokseen tai johonkin moraalisesti tuomittavaan), osasyyllinen

Esimerkkejä complicit sanan käytöstä:

to be 'complicit' in the crime

Priests and bishops have been found 'complicit' in the cover-up.

I dont want to be 'complicit' in the policies of this administration.

The atrocities were aided and abetted by a 'complicit' media.

Liittyvät sanat: complice , accomplice


englanti associated Associated with or participate participating in an activity, especially one of a questionable nature.
1861, Henry M. Wheeler, The Slaves Champion'', p. 203,
It slavery has set the seal of a complicit, guilty silence upon the most orthodox pulpits and the saintliest tongues, (..)
1973, w:Angus Wilson|Angus Wilson, As If by Magic, Secker and Warburg, p. 177:
"I confess," and the Englishman turned with a near complicit grin to Hamo, "I have certain vulgar tastes myself."
2005, Larry Dennsion, ",9171,1032380,00.html Letters," Time, 7 March:
Khan's sale of nuclear secrets and a complicit Pakistani government have made the world a ticking time bomb.


complicit rimmaa näiden kanssa:

IT, parfait, kait, suitsait, universiadit, kredit, pihdit, linjapihdit, laakapihdit, lankapihdit

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