


  1. syyllistyä jhk, tehdä (jtak pahaa)

Esimerkkejä cometer sanan käytöstä:

~ atentados terroristas, delitos, perjurio, adulterio


englanti to commit, practice, undertake
puhekieltä (obsolete form of)
(..), &ao outro dia pella menhã ſendo nos tãto auante como Cezimbra nos cometeo hum Frances coſſairo, & abalroando com noſco,nos lãçou dento quinze ou vinte homẽs, (..)
: (..), and in the next day by the morning, when we were as far as Cezimbra, a French corsair assailed us, and colliding with us sent fifteen or twenty men inside, (..)
puhekieltä to commit
puhekieltä to make (gloss)


cometer rimmaa näiden kanssa:

tonic water, copywriter, bitter, babysitter

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