


  1. kognitiivinen

Liittyvät sanat: cognitively



kognitiivinen, havainto-, käsitys- Relating to the part of mental functions that deals with logic, as opposed to affective which deals with emotions.

Recent findings in cognitive neuroscience are also beginning to unravel how the body perceives magnitudes through sensory-motor systems. Variations in size, speed, quantity and duration, are registered in the brain by electro-chemical changes in neurons. The neurons that respond to these different magnitudes share a common neural network. In a survey of this research, cognitive neuroscientists Domenica Bueti and Vincent Walsh tell us that the brain does not treat temporal perception, spatial perception and perceived quantity as different.
intellectual Intellectual.
puhekieltä cognate Cognate; which is to be recognized as cognate.
1903, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society Held at Philadelphia:
Wanux "white man," cognitive with Aben. awanoch, now used for "Canadian Frenchman";
puhekieltä cognate Cognate.
1902, American Anthropologist:
Abenaki awanoch, the cognitive of Penobscot awenoch, means Frenchman,
(feminine singular of)
(feminine plural of)


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