


  1. samaa sukua oleva, samaa kantaa oleva

  2. vertailukelpoinen



  1. sukua oleva, sukua, sukulais-, verisukulainen, verisukulais-, sukulainen, suku-, liittyvä, kuuluva, samaa alkuperää oleva, samanluonteinen.

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verisukulais-, verisukulainen


samaa alkuperää oleva Allied by blood; kindred by birth; specifically puhekieltä related on the mother's side.
Of the same or a similar nature; of the same family; proceeding from the same stock or root; allied; kindred.
(anchor)puhekieltä descend Descended from the same source lexeme of an ancestor language.

English (l) is cognate with Greek (l), German (l), Russian (l) and Persian (l).

In English, (l) is cognate with (l), both of which are cognate with Russian (l), Icelandic (l) and Irish (l).

English shirt is cognate with English skirt, short, and curt and with German (l) and French (l) ; all of these are descended from the (etyl) root (m), meaning ‘to cut’.

One of a number of things allied in origin or nature.
puhekieltä One who is related to another on the female side.
puhekieltä One who is related to another, both having descended from a common ancestor through legal marriages.
A word either descended from the same base word of the same ancestor language as the given word, or strongly believed to be a regular reflex of the same reconstructed root of proto-language as the given word.

English (l) is a cognate of Greek (l), German (l), Russian (l) and Persian (l).

English (l) and (l), Russian (l), Icelandic (l) and Irish (l) are all cognates.

(monikko) cognata|lang=it
(inflection of)


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painate, taidepainate, kivipainate, offsetpainate, kannate

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