


  1. en-v-taivm|c|linch|ing


englanti (present participle of)
That settles something (such as an argument) definitely and conclusively
1872, (w), (w), Part 2, Chapter 8,
“Yes,” said Dick, with such a clinching period at the end that it seemed he was never going to add another word.
1921, (w), “Imogen” in Collected Poems, lines 113-119,
There were no dreams,
No phantoms in her future any more:
One clinching revelation of what was
One by-flash of irrevocable chance,
Had acridly but honestly foretold
The mystical fulfilment of a life
That might have once … But that was all gone by
1960, “Breaking the Fast,” w:Time (magazine)|Time, 22 February, 1960,,9171,939596,00.html
He shocked his hearers by urging them not to fast during Ramadan, which begins Feb. 29. As a clinching argument, Bourguiba recalled that even Mohammed, when inconveniently overtaken by Ramadan on his march to Mecca, counseled his soldiers: “Break the fast, and you will be stronger to confront the enemy.”


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