


  1. kansalaisoikeus

  2. hallitus, valtiovalta

  3. kaupunki, (erityisesti) Rooma


englanti puhekieltä A community.
puhekieltä A state, puhekieltä a city-state.
citizenship: the status of belonging to and enjoying the rights of a city or larger state
puhekieltä Roman citizenship
the rights of citizenship themselves, including freedom of the city
the citizenry: a community
puhekieltä the body politic, the state
(senseid) puhekieltä the Celtic tribes or subkingdoms under Roman rule in Gaul and Britain
the area inhabited by citizens: a city with its associated hinterland or territory (thus distinguished from (m))
"The city City"
puhekieltä Rome
puhekieltä Jerusalem
puhekieltä the capital or center of Roman administration in each Celtic civitas (Celtic state|see above)
puhekieltä a borough: a walled settlement, sometimes particularly former Roman towns
puhekieltä a city: a Biblical, major, or specially incorporated town, particularly cathedral cities
puhekieltä the community of believers: either the Church or Heaven


civitas rimmaa näiden kanssa:

ratas, siipiratas, ruoriratas, vesiratas, myllynratas, hammasratas, ketjuratas, rietas, rastas, mustarastas

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