


cisihminen, cissukupuolinen puhekieltä Having a gender (gender identity|identity) which matches the sex one was assigned at birth; or, pertaining to such people. (defdate)
2009, Renee Martin, The Guardian, 25 April:

To uphold the inequality that we choose to engage in, we regularly present the myth that trans people are deviant or a danger to cisgender people.
2014, Laura Erickson-Schroth, Trans Bodies, Trans Selves, p. 6:
As trans people, we have many cisgender allies—those who show their support for the concerns, needs, and rights of trans people, even though they may not personally face the same issues.
puhekieltä A cisgender person.
2013, Shiri Eisner, Bi: Notes for a Bisexual Revolution (page 107)
Even in regard to cisgenders, research shows that it's “easier” for people to identify male than female features, meaning that the default “visible” person in our culture is male “unless proven otherwise.”
2014, Zethu Matabeni, Reclaiming Afrikan (page 62)
Is there a place for heterosexual cisgenders in Africa's queer movement?


cisgender rimmaa näiden kanssa:

cheerleader, outsider

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Läheisiä sanoja

chips, cicero, cirrus, cirruspilvi, city, citykulttuuri

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