

  1. pölkkypää, typerys, narri, helposti narrattava uhri, hölmö, nenästä vedettävä henkilö, helppo uhri, höhlä, pöljä, idiootti, pöhkö, pöllö, tollo, tomppeli, uhri, hyväuskoinen hölmö.

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pölkkypää, tomppeli, tollo puhekieltä An incompetent person, a blockhead; a loser.

That chump wouldnt know his ass from a hole in the ground.''

A gullible person; a sucker; someone easily taken advantage of; someone lacking common sense.

It shouldnt be hard to put one over on that chump.''

The thick end, especially of a piece of wood or of a joint of meat.
Shaped as if they had been unskilfully cut off the chump-end of something.
(dated form of)
1922, Arthur Machen, The Secret Glory
At a neighbouring table two Germans were making a hearty meal, chumping the meat and smacking their lips in a kind of heavy ecstasy.

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