


  1. eläintiede|k=en kana

  2. keittiö broileri

  3. lapsukainen

  4. nulikka

  5. kuva pelkuri

Liittyvät sanat: poussin



  1. siipikarja, kanalintu, kana, Gallus gallus, kananpoika, tipu, untuvikko, linnunpoika, nuorikko, kukko, kapuuni, salvukukko, syöttökukko, kananen.

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tyhmänrohkeutta mittaava kilpailu


kana puhekieltä A domestic fowl, Gallus gallus, especially when young
puhekieltä The meat from this bird eaten as food.
puhekieltä A coward.
puhekieltä A young, attractive, slim man, usually having little body hair. Compare chickenhawk
puhekieltä A young or inexperienced person.
1887, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, A Study in Scarlet, III:

"This case will make a stir, sir," he remarked. "It beats anything I have seen, and I am no chicken."
Jonathan Swift
Stella is no chicken.
A confrontational game in which the participants move toward each other at high speed (usually in automobiles); the player who turns first to avoid colliding into the other is the chicken (i.e., the loser.)

Dont play chicken with a freight train; you're guaranteed to lose.''

The game of dare.
puhekieltä (l)

Why do you refuse to fight? Huh, I guess youre just too chicken.''

(rfv-sens) puhekieltä To develop physical or other characteristics resembling a chicken's, for example, bumps on the skin.
puhekieltä To avoid a situation one is afraid of.
*1964. Anyone Got a Match?. Max Shulman. Pg. 31.
For the umpteenth time, I chickened.
*1968. The Chicken Run: A Play for Young People. Aidan Chambers. Pg. 81.
All right, so I chickened. Belonging: The story of how James became a Brown. Anne M. Brown.
Even if he slipped and failed, or worse, chickened, they would be unlikely to judge too harshly.


chicken rimmaa näiden kanssa:

ken, ehken, iän kaiken, iankaiken, kesken, kahden kesken, äsken

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