


  1. kattokruunu



  1. kattokruunu, riippuvalaisin, valaiseva kaluste.

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kattokruunu A branched, often ornate, lighting fixture suspended from the ceiling
1929, w:M. Barnard Eldershaw|M. Barnard Eldershaw, w:A House is Built|A House Is Built, Chapter VII, Section vi

She opened the drawing-room door in trepidation. Would she find Esther drowned with her head in the goldfish bowl, or hanged from the chandelier by her stay-lace?
puhekieltä A fictional bidder used to increase the price at an auction. Also called a wall.
2007, Frank Pope, "Dragon Sea: a true tale of treasure, archeology, and greed off the coast of Vietnam", Harcourt Books, p. 306.
A mysterious phone bidder was grabbing the pieces that no one else wanted—Mensun suspected this was the auction house "bidding against the chandelier," protecting itself against selling too low.
puhekieltä A portable frame used to support temporary wooden fences.
1747, w:James Boswell|James Boswell, The Scots Book, volume 9, p. 37.
Chandelier. A wooden frame, whereon are laid fascines or faggots, to cover the workmen in making approaches.
1994, Todd A. Shallat, Structures in the Stream: Water, Science, and the Rise of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, University of Texas Press, p. 32.
Europeans solved this problem by building a temporary fence with tightly bound sticks ("fascines") stacked into wooden frames ("chandeliers").
puhekieltä An endoilluminator used in eye surgery.


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biedermeier, denier

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