
Tarkoititko: catering

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englanti puhekieltä A slender, elastic process to which the masses of pollen in orchidaceous plants are attached.
1858, w:Charles Darwin|Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, 1909, Harvard Classics Edition, Volume 2, page 251,
A pollinium when highly developed consists of a mass of pollen-grains, affixed to an elastic foot-stalk or caudicle, and this to a little mass of extremely viscid matter.
2000, E. Pacini, G. G. Franchi, Types of Pollen Dispersal Units in Monocots, Karen Wilson, David Morrison (editors), Monocots: Systematics and Evolution, unnumbered page,
The caudicle holds the pollen grains together (Proctor and Harder 1994; Fig. 1).


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