

  1. etsiä, hakea

  2. löytää


englanti to milk
to search, look for
to gaze
to catch
to (l); to (l); to (l)
to (l)
⁊ eles lle reſponderon / atal allur a catade.
: And they answered him: / go seek her elsewhere.
13th century, w:Cancioneiro da Biblioteca Nacional|Cancioneiro da Biblioteca Nacional, Estêvão Fernandes Barreto, B 1611: StevEanes, por Deus mandade'' ( facsimile)
Out(ro) camj̃ho cate todauia (..)
: Nevertheless, look for another way (..)
puhekieltä to (l); to (l); to (l) (gloss)


puhekieltä to (l) (gloss)
puhekieltä to (l); to (l) for (gloss)
puhekieltä to clean something by removing defective elements one by one
a (l) of (l)
puhekieltä (alternative form of)
to taste
to examine, to look at
puhekieltä To find


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