


  1. BrE|k=en katalogi, tuoteluettelo



  1. kirja, kuvasto, luettelo, katalogi, tuoteluettelo, lista, listaus, diskografia, äänilevyluettelo, kirjastoluettelo, varaosaluettelo.

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katalogi, tuoteluettelo

luetteloida A systematic list of names, books, pictures etc.
A complete (usually alphabetical) list of items.
A list of all the publications in a library.
puhekieltä A university calendar.
puhekieltä A directory listing.
1983, Helpline (in Sinclair User issue 21)

The program generates a catalogue of the files on the cartridge selected by the user, reads the catalogue into memory and erases the cartridge copy, so that an up-to-date copy is always generated.
2001, "Michael Foot", BeebIt 0.32 and BBCFiles 0.29 released (on newsgroup comp.sys.acorn.announce)
BBCFiles is a BBC file converter that converts between some of the various types of files used by BBC emulators on Acorn & PC formats. It supports 6502Em style applications & scripts, /ssd dfs disc images (supporting watford double catalogue), vanilla directories, /zip of bbc files with /inf files (with limitations) and directory of bbc files with /inf files.
2003, "Brotha G", Repairing Microdrive Cartridges (on newsgroup comp.sys.sinclair)
It has two extra options using extended syntax. CAT - an extended catalogue but not as detailed as some I've seen. ( The reason that the Spectrum CAT command is restricted is that it cleverly uses the 512 bytes data buffer of the microdrive channel to sort the filenames - hence the limit of 50 ten-character filenames )
To put into a catalogue.
To make a catalogue of.
To add items (e.g. books) to an existing catalogue.
A systematical English catalogue
(inflection of)
(es-verb form of)


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