
Tarkoititko: casanova

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englanti A highly-decorated traditional Italian dowry chest.
1890, (w), The Picture of Dorian Gray, Vintage 2007, p. 107:
There was the huge Italian cassone, with its fantastically painted panels and its tarnished gilt mouldings, in which he had so often hidden himself as a boy.
1941, (w), Up at the Villa, Vintage 2004, p. 45:
On the way through he paused to look at a handsome cassone that stood against the wall; then he caught sight of the gramophone.
Large chest or case
cofferdam, caisson
truck dumping / tipping body


cassone rimmaa näiden kanssa:

kone, matkustajakone, aikakone, matematiikkakone, voimakone, vesivoimakone, lämpövoimakone, kuorimakone, puimakone, hiomakone

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