

  1. taloustiede|k=en kartelli



  1. yhteenliittymä, yhtymä, konsortio, trusti, kartelli, huumekartelli, öljykartelli.

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kartelli A group of businesses or nations that collude to limit competition within an industry or market.
A combination of political groups (notably parties) for common action.
A written letter of defiance or challenge.
Sir Walter Scott

He is cowed at the very idea of a cartel.
(RQ:Flr Mntgn Essay), Folio Society, 2006, p.22:
Xerxes whipped the Sea, and writ a cartell of defiance to the hill Athos.
An official agreement concerning the exchange of prisoners.
1852, (w), Tales from the Alhambra:
He then sent down a flag of truce in military style, proposing a cartel or exchange of prisoners – the corporal for the notary.
puhekieltä A ship used to negotiate with an enemy in time of war, and to exchange prisoners.
A (l)
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puhekieltä (alternative form of)


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askel, harha-askel, taka-askel, laukka-askel, puoliaskel, tanssiaskel, vauhtiaskel, ristiaskel, sävelaskel, puolisävelaskel

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