
Tarkoititko: cafeteria

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englanti head
c1200: Almeric, w:Fazienda de Ultramar|Fazienda de Ultramar, f. 6v. col. 2.
dixo ſónaua q́ tenẏa / iij. canaſtiellos. blácos ſobre / mẏ cabeça. en el canaſtiello ſu / ſano auẏa del comer de phara / on. E las aues del cielo comien / del canaſtiello ſobre mẏ. cabeça
: he said: "I dreamt I had three white baskets on my head, and on the uppermost basket was all that which the pharaoh ate, and the birds of the sky ate from the basket upon my head."
puhekieltä head (gloss)
head (gloss)
(obsolete spelling of)


cabeça rimmaa näiden kanssa:

suklaa-, valkea-, mega-, giga-, haja-, laaka-, raaka-, taka-, deka-, seka-

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byte, bändi, bänet, bänks, caddie, cafeteria

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