


  1. arkkitehtuuri|k=en tukipilari, kontrefori; (flying buttress) (monilaivaisen goottilaisen kirkon) tukikaari

  2. kuva|k=en tukipilari, tuki, pönkitys

Liittyvät sanat: flying buttress



  1. tukipilari, tukipylväs, tukikaari, alusta, kannatin, vahvistaa, voimistaa, lujittaa, tukea.

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vahvistaa puhekieltä A brick or stone structure built against another structure to support it.
Anything that serves to support something; a prop.
puhekieltä A buttress-root.
puhekieltä A feature jutting prominently out from a mountain or rock; a crag, a bluff.

w:Crowell Buttresses|Crowell Buttresses, w:Dismal Buttress|Dismal Buttress, w:Hourglass Buttress|Hourglass Buttress, w:Kardam Buttress|Kardam Buttress, w:Seven Buttresses|Seven Buttresses Image:Milestone buttress.JPG|thumb|right|Milestone Buttress on w:Tryfan|Tryfan. The direct route is highlighted.

2005, Will Cook, Until Darkness Disappears, page 54:
All that day they rode into broken land. The prairie with its grass and rolling hills was behind them, and they entered a sparse, dry, rocky country, full of draws and short cañons and ominous buttresses.
2010, Tony Howard, Treks and Climbs in Wadi Rum, Jordan, ISBN 9781852842543, page 84:
Two short pitches up a chimney-crack are followed by a traverse right to the centre of the buttress.
puhekieltä Anything that supports or strengthens.
the ground pillar and buttress of the good old cause of nonconformity
To support something physically with, or as if with, a prop or buttress.
To support something or someone by supplying evidence; to corroborate or substantiate.


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topless, business

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