


  1. perhonen

  2. urheilu|k=en perhosuinti



  1. veto, perhosuinti, lepidoptera-perhoset, perhonen, täpläperhonen, heinäperhonen.

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keimailla A flying insect of the order Lepidoptera, distinguished from moths by their diurnal activity and generally brighter colouring. (defdate)
puhekieltä Someone seen as being unserious and (originally) dressed gaudily; someone flighty and unreliable. (defdate)
1897, Henry James, What Maisie Knew:

The day came indeed when her breathless auditors learnt from her in bewilderment that what ailed him was that he was, alas, simply not serious. Maisie wept on Mrs. Wix's bosom after hearing that Sir Claude was a butterfly ....
The butterfly stroke. (defdate)
A use of surgical tape, cut into thin strips and placed across an open wound to hold it closed.

butterfly tape

puhekieltä To cut (food) almost entirely in half and spread the halves apart, in a shape suggesting the wings of a butterfly.

butterflied shrimp

Butterfly the chicken before you grill it.

puhekieltä To cut strips of surgical tape or plasters into thin strips, and place across (a gaping wound) to close it.
2006, Paul Garber, Newtons Force'' (page 256)
After everyone had obeyed his commands, the lieutenant motioned for two medics that now appeared to enter the room and attend to Dr. Carter. They bandaged him up, butterflying some of the deeper gashes and gave him a couple of shots.


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