


  1. rintakuva

  2. yläruumis


englanti puhekieltä A bust; a statue.
Elias Ashmole, The Antiquities of Berkshire
The Entrance to the Royal Apartment is through a Vestibule, supported by Pillars, with some antick Bustoes in the Niches (..)
puhekieltä bust, the head and the upper section of the torso
puhekieltä bust, sculpture of the head and the upper section of the torso
(label) tomb, grave
1372 ca., w:Giovanni Boccaccio|Giovanni Boccaccio, Esposizioni sopra la Commedia di Dante Alighieri (Il comento sopra la Commedia di Dante Alighieri, Tomo II, Ig. Moutier (1831), page https://books.google.it/books?id=MbQtAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA280&lpg=PA280&source=bl&ots=9Bongf1ZjO&sig=XpzZPLINmN0IwCB_9fbKiv5pVTY&hl=it&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwijrc6sr_PKAhVGOxoKHVOKDQgQ6AEIITABv=onepage&q&f=false 280):
Chiamansi ancora i sepolcri busti, e questi son detti da' corpi combusti, ...
: The sepulchres are again called tombs, so called for the cremated bodies, ...
(label) cadaver, corpse
(label) bust
(label) torso
(label) corset
(inflection of)
(l) (gloss)


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