


  1. tukeva, iso

Esimerkkejä burly sanan käytöstä:

big, burly man



  1. jykevätekoinen, robusti, jykevä, roteva, vahva, lihaksikas, vankka, jämerä, salskea.

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roteva, vahva puhekieltä Large, well-built, and muscular.

Hes a big, burly rugby player who works as a landscape gardener.''

(RQ:Vance Nobody)
She was frankly disappointed. For some reason she had thought to discover a burglar of one or another accepted type—either a dashing cracksman in full-blown evening dress, lithe, polished, pantherish, or a common yegg, a red-eyed, unshaven burly brute in the rags and tatters of a tramp.
puhekieltä Great, amazing, unbelievable.

That goal was burly.

Räikkönen is a burly Formula 1 driver.

puhekieltä Of large magnitude, either good or bad, and sometimes both.

That wave was burly! (i.e. large, dangerous and difficult to ride)

This hike is going to be burly, but worth it because there is good body surfing at that beach.


burly rimmaa näiden kanssa:

määrly, päärly

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