
Tarkoititko: bungalow

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englanti puhekieltä ass, butt
2006, Kathleen de Azevedo, Samba Dreamers (page 30)
He could see through her cotton slacks, the cheeks of her bunda rubbing together, muscular, mashing, gnashing, eating each other alive, then kissing each other good night, and rolling their heads together on one pillow, relieved.
2009, Don Kulick, Travesti: Sex, Gender, and Culture among Brazilian Transgendered Prostitutes (page 70)
Viewers watching any female entertainer performing on television will be treated to repeated shots of her bunda — usually filmed from knee level, so one actually looks up her (inevitably short) dress.
2013, Cynthia Tompkins, Experimental Latin American Cinema: History and Aesthetics (page 84)
The waitress finally consents to Lourenco's proposition to pay to see her bunda because he offers her a secretarial position as well as the emotional attachment implied by his avowed need to have her close by.
fur (gloss)
1953, Józsi Jenő Tersánszky, Misi Mókus kalandjai,http://mek.oszk.hu/01000/01095/01095.htm chapter 1:
Van ugyan mókusfajta, amelyiknek fekete színű a bundája, ám Misi családja a vörös mókusokhoz tartozott. Azoknak pedig legfeljebb a ragyogó, élelmes szemük fekete, minden tagjukat szép, rozsdavörös szőrzet fedi.
fur coat (gloss)
puhekieltä bribe
pound; x1 is x2 (def. 1) local weight unit(s) non-metric, standard x3, subunits e.g. ounces x4.
puhekieltä (l), (l)
coat (usually a fur coat)
fur (a fur coat)
in this


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