

  1. nahanvärinen, ruskeankeltainen

  2. epätavallisen lihaksikas



  1. väri-, ruskeankeltainen, puskuri, suoja, väline, työkalu, iho, tegumentti, cutis, kelteisillään, kiillottaa, puunata.

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Liittyvät sanat: buffet, buffettarjoilu.







piiskata Undyed leather from the skin of buffalo or similar animals.

a suit of buff
A tool, often one covered with buff leather, used for polishing.
A brownish yellow colour.

(color panel)

a visage rough, deformed, unfeatured, and a skin of buff
A military coat made of buff leather.


puhekieltä A person who is very interested in a particular subject; an enthusiast.

He’s a real history buff. He knows everything there is to know about the civil war.

puhekieltä An effect that temporarily makes a character stronger.

I just picked up an epic damage buff! Lets go gank the other team!''

puhekieltä Compressive coupler force that occurs during a slack bunched condition.
The bare skin.

to strip to the buff

To be in buff is equivalent to being naked.
The greyish viscid substance constituting the buffy coat.
A substance used to dilute (street) drugs in order to increase profits.
Police said the 20-ton hydraulic jack was used to press mixtures of cocaine and buff into bricks.
The meat of a buffalo.
2006, Bradley Mayhew, ‎Joe Bindloss, ‎Stan Armington, Nepal
(..) diced buff (buffalo) meat, usually heavily spiced (..)
1992, Marilyn Stablein, The Census Taker: Stories of a Traveler in India and Nepal (page 62)
You will eat water buffalo meat and drink boiled water buffalo milk: buff burgers at Aunt Jane's restaurant, buff mo-mos which are the Tibetan won-tons, and buff steaks at The Globe.
Of the color of buff leather, a brownish yellow.
puhekieltä: Unusually muscular. (also buffed or buffed out)

The bouncer was a big, buff dude with tattoos, a shaved head, and a serious scowl.

1994, Blurred Boundaries: Questions of Meaning in Contemporary Culture, page 155:
The appearance of logic often derives from faulty syllogisms such as Sgt. Koon's conclusion that King was an ex-con because he was "buffed out" (heavily muscled). The thinking is: "ex-cons are often buffed out; this man is buffed out; therefore, this man is an ex-con."
puhekieltä attractive.
To polish and make shiny by rub rubbing.


puhekieltä To make a character or an item stronger.

The enchanter buffed the paladin to prepare him to fight the dragon.

I noticed that the pistols were buffed in the update.

To strike.
puhekieltä A buffet; a blow.
Nathless so sore a buff to him it lent / That made him reel.


  • buffa: huora / tyttö

  • buffa: tarjoilija


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