


  1. urhea



  1. seikkailunhaluinen, uhkarohkea, uskalias, peloton, rohkea, arastelematon, arkailematon, urhoollinen, rohkeus, pelottomuus, urheus, urhoollisuus.

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urheat ihmiset, rohkeat ihmiset


kohdata rohkeasti

rohkea Strong in the face of fear; courageous.
1897, (w), (w), Chapter 21:

Do not fret, dear. You must be brave and strong, and help me through the horrible task. If you only knew what an effort it is to me to tell of this fearful thing at all, you would understand how much I need your help.
1987, Michael Grumley, The Last Diary:
(..)he has been so brave, giving it all a dignity.
puhekieltä Having any sort of superiority or excellence.
(w) (1561-1626)
Iron is a brave commodity where wood aboundeth.
(w) (1633-1703)
It being a brave day, I walked to Whitehall.
Making a fine show or display.
(w) (c.1564–1616)
Wear my dagger with the braver grace.
(w) (1558-1592)
For I have gold, and therefore will be brave. / In silks I'll rattle it of every color.
(w) (1803-1882)
Frog and lizard in holiday coats / And turtle brave in his golden spots.
(RQ:Frgsn Zlnstn)
So this was my future home, I thought! Certainly it made a brave picture. I had seen similar ones fired-in on many a Heidelberg stein. Backed by towering hills,(..)a sky of palest Gobelin flecked with fat, fleecy little clouds, it in truth looked a dear little city; the city of one's dreams.
puhekieltä A Native American warrior.
puhekieltä A man daring beyond discretion; a bully.
John Dryden
Hot braves like thee may fight.
puhekieltä A challenge; a defiance; bravado.
William Shakespeare
Demetrius, thou dost overween in all; / And so in this, to bear me down with braves.
puhekieltä To encounter with courage and fortitude, to defy.
(rfdat), (w)
These I can brave, but those I can not bear.
1773, A Farmer, Rivingtons New-York Gazetteer'', Number 53, December 2
(..) but they Parliament never will be braved into it.

After braving tricks on the high-dive, he braved a jump off the first diving platform.

puhekieltä To adorn; to make fine or showy.
(rfdat), Shakespeare
Thou a tailor whom Grunio was browbeating hast braved many men; brave not me; I'll neither be faced or braved.
bravely, valiantly
(de-inflected form of)
(feminine plural of)


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