
Tarkoititko: brahma

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englanti puhekieltä A barbecue (gloss), especially an open outdoor grill built specifically for the purpose of braaing.
puhekieltä A social meeting, including the braaing of meat; a cookout.

Come over to our place for a braai.

puhekieltä To grill meat over an open flame.
A barbecue
An open outdoor grill built specifically for the purpose of braaing
A social meeting, including the braaing of meat

Ek hou van braai.

puhekieltä To grill meat over an open flame

Ek kan nie braai nie.

(nl-verb form of)


braai rimmaa näiden kanssa:

ai, hai, hui hai, tiikerihai, pörssihai, korttihai, jättiläishai, thai, aijai, kai

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