


  1. paiskia töitä, raataa

Esimerkkejä bosser sanan käytöstä:

J’ai bossé toute la nuit. – paiskin töitä koko yö


englanti puhekieltä A large marble.
1953, Arthur Beckett, The Sussex County Magazine (volume 27, page 60)
(..) the ultimate winner is the man with the greatest number of marbles when play comes to an end. The games at Battle at the present time are played with glass marbles and locally made “bossers” of concrete.
1997, Iona Archibald Opie, ‎Peter Opie, Childrens games with things'' (page 54)
Modern children, having only machine-made glass marbles, are restricted to names describing their size, or the names under which they are sold, or fanciful names of their own inventing. Thus big marbles are big 'uns, bossers, bulls or bullies(..)
puhekieltä to work (to do a task)


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