
Tarkoititko: borssi

Ehdota määritelmää


englanti (monikko) boredom|lang=en
2006, Michael Carroll, Awake at Work: 35 Practical Buddhist Principles for Discovering Clarity and Balance in the Midst of Works Chaos'', page 184,
29: Acknowledge small boredoms
All of us experience small boredoms at work—routine, seemingly dull events that we often take for granted: (..).
2007, Rivca Gordon, Existential Thinking: Blessings and Pitfalls, page 76,
This profound boredom, he states, is the basis of the two other boredoms.
2009, Lee Anna Maynard, Beautiful Boredom: Idleness and Feminine Self-Realization in the Victorian Novel, page 13,
In the pattern now familiar from Jane Eyre, Isabel Archer's boredoms spur her to leave America under her eccentric aunt Lydia's wing (..).

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