


  1. apaja, erä, riista, saalis

  2. slangia|k=en perse

Liittyvät sanat: bootylicious



  1. varastettu omaisuus, ryöstösaalis, saalis, kaapattu vihollisalus, likaiset rahat, sotasaalis.

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saalis puhekieltä A form of prize which, when a ship was captured at sea, could be distributed at once.
plunder Plunder taken from an enemy in time of war, or seized by piracy.
puhekieltä Something that has been stolen or illegally obtained from elsewhere.

After returning from their Halloween trick-or-treating, the kids settled down to enjoy their booty of candies.

(quote-book) If ſhe ſpoke to refuſe him, ſhe knew her voice would betray her, and ſhe ſhould be exposed for ever, at the same time that the fear of loſing her booty prevented her letting go her hold to ſtruggle with him, and ſtrive to repel force by force.
puhekieltä The buttocks.

You got a big ol booty.''

(quote-song)|title=(w)|album=(w)|passage=Aah, everybody, get on the floor / Let's dance / Don't fight the feeling / Give yourself a chance / Shake shake shake, shake shake shake / Shake your booty, shake your booty / Oh, shake shake shake, shake shake shake / Shake your booty, shake your booty
(quote-book)|year=2004|page=6|isbn=978-0-8059-6270-3|passage=She didn't like it when he touched her and indicated her clitoral area and buttocks. (..) Patty also commented that her daddy has played with her vagina and put toys in her booty. (..) Her father made her touch his private stuff, "his penis and booty." (..) In her sleep when Mrs. Porter was babysitting, Patty was observed to pull down her diaper and manipulate her clitoris and try to insert her finger into her "booty".
(quote-book)|year=2013|section=Chapter 9|isbn=978-1-4720-1656-0|passage=When she turned her back to the mirror, the spandex in the material clung tightly to her booty. Ugh. She was even calling her derriere a "booty," because that's what her eight-year-old, cartoon-watching nephew called it. Whatever the name for her overcurvaceous backside, it was the bane of her existence. She simply sat too much. Even the two ballet classes a week she took at work, in the hospital exercise studio, did not help. If anything, they made her "booty" even "bootier".
puhekieltä A person considered as sexual partner or sex object.
2000, w:Shaft (2000 film)|Shaft (film)
It’s my duty to please that booty.
(alternative spelling of)


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