

  1. ihmisen pää, nuppi, kuula, kuuppa, päänuppi, pääkoppa, kallo, kupoli, päälaki.

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kuuppa puhekieltä the human head
2004, (w), (w), Bloomsbury, 2005, Chapter 9,

To see Nina herself Nick had to crane round the big white bonce of Norman Kent, who was as sensitive to music as he was to conservatives, and kept shifting in his seat.
2010, w:Skins (TV series)|Skins, Season 4 Episode 8, "Everyone".
Cook: I dont think you know what I am, mate. ... I'm a fucking waste of space. I'm just a stupid kid. I got no sense. A criminal. I'm no fucking use, me. I am nothing. So, please... please... get it into, you know, into your bonce... that you killed my friend. And... I'm Cook. I'M COOK!''
puhekieltä A boys' game played with large marbles.


bonce rimmaa näiden kanssa:

freelance, trance

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