


  1. pommi myös kuva|k=en

  2. eräänlainen juomasekoitus

Liittyvät sanat: bombard



  1. atomipommi, ydinpommi, fissiopommi, kuumailmapallolla lennätettävä pommi, Fugo, pommi, pommikalorimetri, kalorimetri, räjähde, aseistus, aseet, sotatarvikkeet, asejärjestelmä, sotatarvike, ampumatarvikkeet.

Lisää synonyymejää







pommikalorimetri An explosive device used or intended as a weapon.
2008, Sidney Gelb, Foreign Service Agent, page 629,

The size of the ground hole crater from the blast indicates it was a bomb.
puhekieltä The atomic bomb.


puhekieltä Events or conditions that have a speedy destructive effect.
{{quote-magazine|date=2014-04-25|author= Martin Lukacs
puhekieltä A failure; an unpopular commercial product.
1997, Eric L. Flom, Chaplin in the Sound Era: An Analysis of the Seven Talkies, film+was+a+bomb%22+-intitle:%22%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=LZP9TpugE6maiQe1sOj-Cg&sqi=2&ved=0CFEQ6AEwBQv=onepage&q=%22the%20movie|film%20was%20a%20bomb%22%20-intitle%3A%22%22&f=false page 277,
Projection problems plagued Countess′ London premiere on January 5, 1967, Jerry Epstein recalled, and it was perhaps an omen, for reaction by critics afterward was swift and immediate: The film was a bomb.
2010, (w), (w), American Prince: My Autobiography, film+was+a+bomb%22+-intitle:%22%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=LZP9TpugE6maiQe1sOj-Cg&sqi=2&ved=0CGIQ6AEwCAv=onepage&q=%22the%20movie|film%20was%20a%20bomb%22%20-intitle%3A%22%22&f=false unnumbered page,
The movie was a bomb and so was my next film, Balboa, in which I played a scheming real estate tycoon.
2011, Elizabeth Barfoot Christian, Rock Brands: Selling Sound in a Media Saturated Culture, film+was+a+bomb%22+-intitle:%22%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=aJv9TpWgCMaTiAeUv-WvAQ&ved=0CEwQ6AEwBTgKv=onepage&q=%22the%20movie|film%20was%20a%20bomb%22%20-intitle%3A%22%22&f=false page 11,
The movie was a bomb, but it put the band before an even larger audience.
puhekieltä A car in poor condition.
2005 August 6, Warm affection for a rust-bucket past, w:Sydney Morning Herald|Sydney Morning Herald
Nowadays, an old bomb simply won’t pass the inspection.
2010, Rebecca James, Beautiful Malice, page 19,
We′ve got the money and it just feels ridiculous to let you drive around in that old bomb.
2011, Amarinda Jones, Seducing Celestine, page 49,
After two weeks of driving it she knew the car was a bomb and she did not need anyone saying it to her. The only one allowed to pick on her car was her. Piece of crap car(..)
puhekieltä A large amount of money, a fortune.
2009, Matthew Vierling, The Blizzard, page 133,
When Kiley presented Blackpool with the custom shotgun, he said, “This must′ve cost a bomb.”
2010, Liz Young, Fair Game, cost+a+bomb%22+-intitle:%22%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=4MH9TqmICbGaiAfXpcDVAQ&ved=0CF0Q6AEwCTgKv=onepage&q=%22spent|cost%20a%20bomb%22%20-intitle%3A%22%22&f=false page 136,
‘You′ve already spent a bomb!’
‘Not on it, Sal — under it. Presents!’ As we eventually staggered up to bed, Sally said to me, ‘I hope to God he′s not been spending a bomb on presents, too.(..)
2011, Michael R. Häack, Passport: A Novel of International Intrigue, cost+a+bomb%22+-intitle:%22%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=4MH9TqmICbGaiAfXpcDVAQ&ved=0CFcQ6AEwCDgKv=onepage&q=%22spent|cost%20a%20bomb%22%20-intitle%3A%22%22&f=false page 47,
The kids cost a bomb to feed, they eat all the time.
2011, Bibe, A Victim, cost+a+bomb%22+-intitle:%22%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=4MH9TqmICbGaiAfXpcDVAQ&ved=0CE0Q6AEwBjgKv=onepage&q=%22spent|cost%20a%20bomb%22%20-intitle%3A%22%22&f=false page 38,
He had recently exchanged his old bike for a new, three speed racer, which cost a bomb and the weekly payment were becoming difficult, with the dangers of repossession.
puhekieltä Something highly effective or attractive.
puhekieltä A success; the bomb.
puhekieltä A very attractive woman; a bombshell.
puhekieltä An action or statement that causes a strong reaction.
puhekieltä A long forward pass.
puhekieltä A jump into water in a squatting position, with the arms wrapped around the legs, for maximum splashing.
puhekieltä A heavy-walled container designed to permit chemical reactions under high pressure.
2008, François Cardarelli, Materials Handbook: A Concise Desktop Reference, page 276,
The process consisted in preparing the metal by metallothermic reduction of titanium tetrachloride with sodium metal in a steel bomb.
puhekieltä A great booming noise; a hollow sound.
(w) (1561-1626)
A pillar of iron(..)which if you had struck, would make(..)a great bomb in the chamber beneath.
puhekieltä A woman’s breast.
puhekieltä a professional wrestling throw in which an opponent is lifted and then slammed back-first down to the mat.
puhekieltä A recreational drug grind ground up, wrapped, and swallowed.
puhekieltä To attack using one or more noun bombs; to bombard.
2000, Canadian Peace Research Institute, Canadian Peace Research and Education Association, Peace Research, Volumes 32-33, %22bombed%22+-intitle:%22bombing|bombed%22&dq=%22bombing%22|%22bombed%22+-intitle:%22bombing|bombed%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=89H9TpLeI8eUiAfyq8W7AQ&redir_esc=y page 65,
15 May: US jets bombed air-defence sites north of Mosul, as the Russian Foreign Ministry accused the US and Britain of intentionally bombing civilian targets. (AP)
2005, Howard Zinn, A Peoples History of the United States: 1492-Present'', %22bombed%22+-intitle:%22bombing|bombed%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=WM79TsG7DeyhiAen6LXGAQ&redir_esc=yv=onepage&q=%22bombing%22|%22bombed%22%20-intitle%3A%22bombing|bombed%22&f=false page 421,
Italy had bombed cities in the Ethiopian war; Italy and Germany had bombed civilians in the Spanish Civil War; at the start of World War II German planes dropped bombs on Rotterdam in Holland, Coventry in England, and elsewhere.
2007, David Parker, Hertfordshire Children in War and Peace, 1914-1939, %22bombed%22+-intitle:%22bombing|bombed%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=7Mv9Ttn4MMmWiQeL59TFCQ&redir_esc=yv=onepage&q=%22bombing%22|%22bombed%22%20-intitle%3A%22bombing|bombed%22&f=false page 59,
Essendon was bombed in the early hours of 3 September 1916; a few houses and part of the church were destroyed, and two sisters killed.
puhekieltä To fail dismally.
1992 June, Lynn Norment, Arsenio Hall: Claiming the Late-night Crown, in w:Ebony (magazine)|Ebony, it+bombed%22+-intitle:%22bombing|bombed%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=v9b9Tsz_MM-QiQeBz5CADw&redir_esc=yv=onepage&q=%22he|it%20bombed%22%20-intitle%3A%22bombing|bombed%22&f=false page 74,
So Hall quit the job, turned in the company car and went to Chicago, where as a stand-up comic he bombed several times before he was discovered by Nancy Wilson, who took him on the road — where he bombed again before a room of Republicans—and then to Los Angeles.
2000, Carmen Infantino, Jon B. Cooke (interviewer), The Carmen Infantino Interview, in Jon B. Cooke, Neal Adams, Comic Book Artist Collection, it+bombed%22+-intitle:%22bombing|bombed%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=v9b9Tsz_MM-QiQeBz5CADw&redir_esc=yv=onepage&q=%22he|it%20bombed%22%20-intitle%3A%22bombing|bombed%22&f=false page 12,
Carmen:(..) Then it bombed and it bombed badly. After a few more issues I asked Mike what was happening and he said, “I′m trying everything I can but it′s just not working.” So I took him off the book and he left. That was it.
2008, Erik Sternberger, The Long and Winding Road, it+bombed%22+-intitle:%22bombing|bombed%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=Itz9ToLbCuuXiAe1q-2fCQ&redir_esc=yv=onepage&q=%22he|it%20bombed%22%20-intitle%3A%22bombing|bombed%22&f=false page 62,
She was the reason why he bombed the interview. He just couldn′t seem to get her out of his mind.
puhekieltä To jump into water in a squatting position, with the arms wrapped around the legs.
puhekieltä To sound; to boom; to make a humming or buzzing sound.


puhekieltä To cover an area in many graffiti tags.
2009, Scape Martinez, GRAFF: The Art & Technique of Graffiti (page 124)
It is often used to collect other writer's tags, and future plans for bombing and piecing.
puhekieltä to add an excessive amount of chlorine to a pool when it has not been maintained properly.
puhekieltä great Great, awesome.

Have you tried the new tacos from that restaurant? Theyre pretty bomb!''

(form of)
a English bomb


  • bombaa: tehdä moneen paikkaan (graffitteja)


  • "Johnson, the terrorists have the bomb. They're going to kill everybody in the city. We can't let the terrorists win, so you have to kill everybody before they do. Here's a shotgun. Start from downtown.(Suomeksi: Johnson, terroristeillä on pommi. He aikovat tappaa jokaisen kaupungissa. Emme saa antaa terroristien voittaa, joten sinun pitää tappaa kaikki ennen kuin he tekevät sen. Tässä on haulikko. Aloita keskustasta.) "

  • "(jos kärry on jätetty huomioimatta) bomb cart will not push self. (Pommikärry ei liiku itsestään.)"

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